CIEM updates Viet Nam’s 2023 economic scenarios

The Central Institute for Economic Management (CIEM) under the Ministry of Planning and Investment has envisaged three scenarios for the Vietnamese economy in 2023.

CIEM updates Viet Nam’s 2023 economic scenarios - Ảnh 1.

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In the first scenario, CIEM forecasts that GDP growth will accelerate to 5.34 percent in the context that global economic outlook remains unchanged as predicted by international organizations and Viet Nam sustains its financial policies.

With this scenario, export is projected  to decrease by 5.64 percent, CPI to grow 3.43 percent and trade surplus to reach US$ 9.1 billion.

In the second scenario, given monetary and fiscal easing in Viet Nam, CIEM predicts that GDP growth will further accelerate to 5.72 percent while export is anticipated to drop by 3.66 percent.

CPI is forecast to rise 3.87 percent and trade surplus is expected to reach US$10.3 billion. 

In the last scenario, the best optimistic one, CIEM expects that GDP growth will reach 6.46 percent, export down by 2.17 percent, CPI up 4.39 percent, trade enjoy of US$ 6.8 billion. 

 Earlier Standard Chartered predicted that Viet Nam's economy would continue recovery and expand 7 per cent in the second half of this year compared to 3.7 in the first half./.

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